Life Coaching
Who looks outside, dreams.
Who looks inside, awakes
- Carl Jung

We all meet obstacles on our journeys through life. Sometimes we find the path ahead, sometimes take time to build a new path, and sometimes the obstacle obstinately refuses to offer even a hint of allowing a way forward.
Coaching is the key to finding the path ahead. Through exploration, understanding and insight a generative space between coach and client appears, and resolution is revealed. On occasion, the obstacle in our path seems impenetrable not because it is big and real, but instead because it represents something deeper that is aware of its own vulnerability. Coaching reveals that deception, and the creative space finds a way to navigate the terrain to find the path ahead.
Difficult transitions to leadership: a fear of public speaking; inferior interview technique, and unhelpful approach to formal examinations all are examples of the obstacles that impair our progress.
Life coaching is the solution that allows you to thrive anew.
Contact me today for a no-obligation suggestion of how mindful coaching can get you back on the path to your highest potential.
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